Mobile phones on the flight line or pits

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    • #3550

        Found this on a BMFA Facebook page, sorry it’s a long post but it’s worth reading.

        It has been reported there are sometimes problems when live mobile telephones are in close proximity to programmable transmitters which can cause memories to be corrupted or partially erased.
        It is known that strong radio frequency radiation can corrupt or disable some modern electronic devices.
        Although the risk may be small, this should be minimised by bringing it to the attention of members and clubs. We strongly recommend that mobile telephones are not switched on within 10 feet of any programmable transmitter. This may appear to be an overkill, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
        Care should be taken during pre-flight checks to ensure that all controls are operating fully and in their correct sense, and to ensure the transmitter memories have not been affected since the last flight.
        Following the crash of an expensive gas turbine model helicopter, the investigation into the cause revealed that the synthesised transmitter being used to control the helicopter was interfered with by a nearby mobile telephone. In this case it was a ******* transmitter but the same could occur with other synthesised transmitters.
        The transmitter manufacturer’s instructions were scrutinised and found to contain a warning that mobile telephones were not to be used in the direct vicinity of the transmitter.
        Subsequent tests revealed that the problem was repeatable with that particular transmitter.

        The BMFA already recommends that mobile telephones are not taken into the pits or the flying area for other reasons, but please be aware that mobile telephones can interfere with some modern synthesised transmitters.

        This could possibly explain some previously “unexplained” crashes due to loss of control and / or control reversal during flight ?

        So who was standing next to you on the flight line ??


        Something to think about next time you hear “I have lost control”



      • #3552


          just as well that we have rule number 14 which ALL will be abiding by

          but will ask martin to remind everyone at next meeting


        • #3559

            I must admit Phil you are the only one who I can recall who abides by that rule. Then again have you a mobile phone….. (I’m going to get lots of flack now for saying that) Then again rule 14 only says from the flight line. (See I can read… write that’ another problem)

            • #3561

                It says within 10m of the flight line which must include a large chunk of the pits!

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